Cambro is a renowned brand with a strong reputation for producing high-quality products designed to withstand the rigours of the foodservice industry. With a history spanning over 70 years, Cambro has established itself as a trusted partner of foodservice operators worldwide. Their innovative products include food storage, transportation, and serving solutions that are designed to make foodservice operations more efficient and effective. With a focus on sustainability, Cambro continues to develop new products and solutions that help their customers reduce waste and operate more efficiently.
Some products that Evroporc is importing from the assortment of Cambro include HORECA equipment and plastic, such as containers, storage boxes, trays and more. The partnerships between the companies have been growing since 2010.

Featured products
These are some of the many products we offer from this brand.

Please note that the product information/images provided on this page is for reference purposes only.
For more detailed and up-to-date information, including pricing, product selection, categories, and catalogues, we encourage you to contact us directly.
Our management team is always available to assist you via [email protected] or phone number.